Thursday, April 24, 2008

Braveball Week 3

Well, we had Monday off this week, Monday night in Miami, Jeff Francoeur reports the he got to chill with his wife, and he and a few of the other families went out to dinner together. Thanks for blogging Jeff, welcome to the family. Here is his address - Jeff Francoeur's Blog . I look forward to reading that as the season progresses. We lost the first two in Miami, and I remember just feeling like... what in the world is going on? This is the flippin Marlins, and Jair Jurrjens pitched great 6 innings two earned runs on 4 hits? The Braves were shut out 0-4 against the Marlins on Tuesday? Well, good for the fish i guess, I mean, a minor league team can consitently hang numbers on my Braves. Scott Olsomn did pitch exceptionally well 5 hits in 7 innings.

Lost Wednesday to the fish, Hudson struggled, giving up four runs in three innings, then we won on Friday against the fish (avoiding the sweep), then home sweet home against the Los Angeles Dodgers, where we swept them. So we got that going for us.

The Dodger Dog

Nutrition Facts

  • Serving Size : 76g
  • Calories : 240
  • Total Fat : 22g
  • Saturated Fat: 8 g
  • Cholesterol : 45 mg
  • Sodium : 860 mg
  • Protein : 8g
"The Eastern-most in quality and Western-most in flavor"

Ah yes, the Sweep Steaks, the Web Gems that I find on the internet based on the team we just sweeped. Now you know in case you ever at Dodger Stadium catching a watching the Braves.

On a side note, this is the second sweep of the season, both teams of which, have been called home by our zanny yet beloved Pitching Coach Roger McDowell.

Content courtesy of Wikipedia

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

July 28th, 2007

Ohma Pearson, in an attempt to trash the character of Spoaks Pearson... has resigned her position and will no longer be scene in this weblomic.

Braveball, week two ( apoem)

Snow (Thank you Lord)
Braves (Crooked Numbers)
Braves (Frenchy)
Nats (PitchRunning...) Roger McDowell hard at work.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Chalmers is the new word for getting it right, when its on the line. As demonstrated last night by Mario Chalmers of the Kansas Jayhawks during the NCAA National Championship. Common uses of Chalmers include:
  • OHHHHHHH! He just Chalmered it!
  • Yeah baby! Thats Chalmers!
  • Chalmer it up!
Kansas Jayhawks beat the Memphis Tigers 75-68 in overtime to claim their stake of NCAA History.

Coach Bill Self and the 2o year anniversary of Manning and the Miracles provided a historic backdrop for what was to become one of the greatest games in NCAA Basketball history. Commentator Billy Packer himself couldn't have scripted a better story. Sure to be released commercially on DVD's and T-shirts in the near near future.

Lawn Care 2008

Ok, so I am reviewing my list of things I need to get done, Goals if you will. Lately, it seems that most of the things on my list have something to do with landscaping. It may be because Spring is springing, the grass is growing, flowers are blooming, and I still have leaves from the fall 2006, AND 2007!!!

So get your MP3 players out, invest in some noise reduction head phones and get ready to dig in and get dirty. This is work, YARD WORK, and thats, the sound of the man, working on the yard... gang.

Here is whats on the agenda.
  • Get my riding lawn mower running and the blades replaced/sharpened.
  • Rake 2006 and 2007 leaves (all the while I will be creating my procrastination mantra)
  • Mow the grass! Weekly... oh drats!
  • Haul trash to dump, weekly
  • Yard trash collection (This will go hand in hand with mowing)
  • Tree Removal (Dead trees, oddly placed trees, ugly trees)
    • Need a chainsaw
    • Chain to yank out roots once trees are cut down (my apologies to the Lorax)
    • Horsepower
      • Will need to get the old truck running
        • Carborator needs to be drilled out
        • New seals
        • Gas tank drained
        • End to end inspection (it was made in 71)
  • Trailer cleared off property
  • Tree-house built
  • Baseball diamond leveled (Yes I did go all Kevin Costner on my back yard)
  • Pool filled (The after mowing pool parties will never be the same)
  • ANTS, ANTS, ANTS -- Destroy Destroy Destroy
  • Flower Beds and Walkways

Monday, April 07, 2008

Rain Soaked Mets Sweep

Ok, I do feel kinda bad for running this next bit as a "Sweep" Steaks. This being a "web" gem from the team we just rolled over. Seeing as how this video does feature Roger McDowell, Gary Carter and MOOKIE Wilson and its about this super computer version of the 1986 Super Team that won at the hands of Bill Buckner... I had too!!
-Without Further Ado

Eat it Mets Fans!!!

Eat it! Mets Fans, we will be up to see you on the 25th. Be ready!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Broken Camera

The title alone is enough to make me cry. Unfortunately, another too good to be true April Fools joke that is not, nor was not, funny at all. My trusty assistant and I learned a valuable lesson about using office swivel chairs as stands for laptops and cameras during upload.

There is a silver lining to this grey grey cloud. At least I will now have time to blog and work on my Web Albums.

I hope you were not planning on getting married.

Opening Week 2008 - The Year of the Brave

If any of you citizens out there hadn't noticed... Its baseball season! Not just any baseball season, but the Atlanta Braves Season! 2008, The Year of the BRAVE! OOOOOOHHHH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOHHHHHHH, OOOOH, OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!

Oh your just now finding out? Well here is what you missed:

Last Sunday - Last Sunday marked the "American" Opening Day. (Don't get me started about "Non-American" opening day, hopefully the obvious "quotation marks " will channel my frustration accordingly.) Opening Night to be specific, against the Washington Nationals in their new home. Don't get me wrong, this Opening Night did not mark the beginning of a three or four game series between the Braves and the Nats, more of a showcase... a 1 gamer, between America's Team, and America's new team. Not to be outmatched by the extremely expensive and totally functional new stadium in our nations capital, the Braves took the field donning their NEW road uniforms. All Navy uniforms with Atlanta written across the chest and a Navy Cap with the script A on it, similar to the old Baby Blue uniforms of the past.
In my own opinion the uni's look great, unfortunately looking great, and playing great baseball do not go hand in hand. Huddy struggled with a throw back to first, and Escobar and McCann struggled with throws from Frenchy. Braves lost 2 to 3. On a side note, the Beach on the Left Sleeve of the uniforms is for Jim Beauchamp, long time Braves Bench Coach who passed away in the off season.

Monday - The braves were home to open the Ted against ye ol' Pirates of Pittsburgh. To mark the return of Braves Legendary Lefthander Tom Glavine the braves found themselves down 9 to 4 in the bottom of the 9th. A dropped fielders choice in shallow center field allowed the Braves to tie the score. But luck wasn't enough, the Braves ended up on the wrong end of an 12 to 11 loss. Going to O-2 and finding themselves in last place in the ever challenging NL East with the Mets coming to town this weekend.

Tuesday - Off day, which seemed like a much needed break from the 12 inning marathon they played the night before.

Wednesday - There still be Pirates in town, and we would crush them 10 - 2. With a decent start from Braves newcomer Jair Jurrjens and a powerful offensive display from Prado, Teixeira, Jones and Diaz.

Thursday - Mike Hampton's pectoral muscle made
yet another appearance just before the game on Thursday. As he was warming up, for this to be his greatest of years, after having the greatest of spring trainings. Glad you could join us Mike Hampton's Pectoral, we lost, 4 to 3. Additionally, this was also the night Bobby Cox chose to amaze us with his Bullpen Mastery... or wait, was that a trick up Roger McDowell's silly sleeve? Lets just hope Bobby was just trying to break in his bullpen/fans real good the first week. Give em the ol' Hampton, that's what I call it.

Friday - PPD due to the massive rain storm that engulfed the states of Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.

Saturday - Three cheers for Kelly Johnson, hip hip hooray, I sure hope that knee is OK. Your pitch hit Grand SLAM in 7th proved to be too much for the Girls Softball Team (NY Mets) . Braves win 5 to 11. Thanks again Kelly! You definitely get the game ball today.

Sunday - Hey, Girls Softball Team... our Cy Young Winning Pitcher is better than yours!!! In a pitchers dual where both teams scored a total of 4 runs, defense was key, as demonstrated by Mark Teixeira whose diving play on the 1st base line stopped a ball from rolling into the outfield. Braves won 1 to 3, to move to 3 and 3 and tie for 1st in the NL East.

Braveball Season is upon us!

Ticked Off!

This is not an ill timed April Fools Joke. I wish it was. This is simply a public service announcement to the citizens of GenreNation:

Citizens; Hear ye, Hear ye! On this 6th day in April, 2008th year of our Lord. It is officially tick season. Check daily! Common areas for ticks include...
  • Behind the ears
  • Waist line
  • Behind the knees
  • Armpits
  • Neck
  • Groin
  • Privates
In the event that you should locate a tick on your body this season, please reference this step by step guide for tick removal.

I only say this because I know. Judging by the number of ticks I found on myself (3) on April 1st. Based on the reaction of my body (fever, cramps, extreme fatigue, nausea, etc.) to these Ectoparisites, I can definitely say that ticks are serious, and should be treated as such. Early detection is key, if you have been exposed to a tick for over 24 hours, consult your Physician ASAP, to prevent prolonged exposure to Lymes Disease (a disease carried by Deer, the Ticks number one host).

and now you know!
-The Host, with the most

On a side note, so much for the Tick and Human living a happy life together. Parasites would be much more popular if they actually added a benefit to their Host. Let's say... if you have a Tick on you, you would have the ability to repel Mosquito's easier, or once a Tick latches on, your body produces a euphoric feeling similar to that of Alcohol, that way all parties would benefit.
-Mr. Two Cents

GenreNation: Population 5

Greetings to all, sorry for the long pause... again. I guess you can say that life, in all its craziness has kept me too busy to keep up with the ol' Blog. Which could only mean one (1) of two (2) things.


A.) GenreNation is just too grand for me to be waisting my time writing about it because I am in the process of living it.
B.) GenreNation, whilst currently enjoying its quiet sovereignty, is waiting to truly publicize it's current adventures.

Well, whichever it is... the story will have to wait for yet another Blog. I have to go coach a team of Four year old Soccer warriors called the Mariners! Check out their blog if you don't believe me.

Thanks for your Patience

Monday, January 21, 2008

Surfing Safari

As they say in real estate, Location,Location, Location. Well my friend and mentor "Toby" , knows all about location. Whether its on location, making shirts, or the location of his website, smack dab in the center of the entire Internet!

Surf's UP... dude.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Now here is a story I would like to tell... A couple of days back, I was trying to round up all my little doggies of contact numbers and info and such....

Information requested below.
Primary Email:

In reaching out, I met the hand of an old friend, reaching out to me. A hotdog flavored hand fresh from the sweatshops of Jacksonville Florida. Enter Shirtavious.

Shirtavious (in email): YO dude Vote For Ron Paul and or call me.

tat a tat a tat tat tat

Eager to reconnect with Shirtavious, I went straight to his website first, being the modern 2008 type man that I am and all.
On his website, to my visual delight, was a corn of copia full of modern, or neuvo-modern technology, begging my eyes to explore further. I will let you see for yourself. Seeing as how I have been interested in some of the funner, more grass rooty side of the Ron Paul campaign, I was immediately drawn to the bright yellow shirt, with Ron Paul stenciled across the chest. Being the noble citizen that I am, figured it would be a good idea to buy one for each member of my household. The price (4.99) was right.

So a little of this, a little of that, and I was on my way...
The e part of the deal was standard, very few personal questions needed, the login is the email address, so you dont have to make up special user names, which was nice. The order part wasn't to bad either. All said and done, I had ordered and paid for a piece of history.

and the rest is....


Now go and buy yourself some Ron Paul Shirts.
-tshirt guy.


Knock off the dust, and get 0ut your dictionaries, Gang. It's time to get caught up. And by caught up, I mean everything, well, almost everything. Everything as in everything you need to know about, anyway. Part autobiography, part journal, part fiction and fun. -Jeremy

Thursday, January 17, 2008