Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Wear were we?
a.) @ a board meeting
b.) A webcomic without direction
c.) An igloo in the middle Alaska
d.) Huh, Huh; Huh.

*Bouns points if you include a short story about the year 3005.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

what? what?! what!

:::Note from director.
Due to technical difficulties, vistors from out of town, a new toy, this allready confusing thread of comic has now become practiacally unbearable. But, the show must go on.
To refresh...
...your memories
We met Mr. Number Two, our screenwriter, who immediately jumped into a presentation, much like Spoaks's. Then, Spoaks interrupted saying whoa whoa whoa. Then... his wife Ohma interuppted just to introduce herself, which then popped any dream that I as director was having while trying to begin my empire. Then, I had to publish the back story to get that point across, so "we" came up with a cell of Spoaks sleeping, then a cell of Spoaks @ the nanosecond of awake, which I titled Now (for more reason than one). Then... the one shot of Spoaks with sketchpad. Then... three days later...
That is enough thens to take down a buhdist monestary.
I like how you started and finished this paragraph. Go to my website and check it out.
-Some random guy, not blog spam.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

We interupt this comic...

I finally got a digital camera!!!
My mom and sister came to visit today, and brought me the coolest little digital camera, its a Nikon CoolPix 4600 (whatever the 4600 means). So, yeah, I had to make a comic about this ground breaking event. No more searching the net for obscure backgrounds (well, no sure is a negative word). Photography!!! Yeah!!!
-Mr. Copyright Guy
Picture this!
How do you like my work?
-Number Two
If you look @ the background, to the immediate left of Spoaks head is the comic that was scheduled for today.
The background also gives you a sneak peak of the future of GenreNation.
-Jermit the Frog
...and I like the future!
-Test-Pilot of said... Future
The t-shirt is for my sister, she loves all things horse.
-Merchandise Guy
Thanks Mom and Dad, I am never too big for presents.

A question for the commenters of the world? Does this format work? I am going for the comic/critic/current events/screenplay feel.

Friday, August 19, 2005


I dont know about you, but this is what I look like when I wake up.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Self Titled

Originally, Spoaks was not going to be z-ing, but to convey...
-Mr. Two
(interrupting) I know, I know, it's my fault, if I would have had the time, I could have not taken this cheap shortcut, so as to infer...
-Art Director
(also interrupting, and down in dumps) No, you both know it's my fault... If I my WiFi connection wouldn't have been down, art director would have been able to pull needed image to convey said...
-Krystals on Atlantic
(interrupting the interrupted interrupter) DAYDREAM! I wasn't asleep. Just dreamin'.
:::A note from producer - Comics like these will give us the opportunity to advertise NoitanErneg.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

... goes the weasel!

Self explanatory
-Image consultation Department

Well excuse me!

Introducing Ohma Pearson, she didn't mean to interrupt.
Speaking of interruptions, my "art" program froze on two different comics today...
-Art director
Mine didn't.
-Number Two

Monday, August 15, 2005

...and Hault!!!

This comic couldn't have come at a more perfect time. With, shingles now falling off the roof, a fence that needs mending, a yard that needs mowed, and a computer that is about to "automatically" shut down in 56 seconds (for the last time.) You, as the reader, may just have to hold on a minute. We apologize in advance for any entertainment hardships this may cause.
WE would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, who, without them, none of this would be possible. First off, we thank the corporation for the laptop, AT&T for the line, Google for the gmail, Inkspace for the tools, Blogger for the space, Lusagi for the time, FormerPromKing for the advertisement, J. for the comments, Cernunnos for the advice, and my family for the patience.
-Resource Management Department
So... now that I let the memebers of the board speak, I shall now speak also.
Off to go save the world, one blade of grass @ a time.
Has anyone seen my...?
-Number Two
Please enterntain yourself with each others comments until I return.
Goodbye for now, but not for long.
-The Jerminator
Has anyone seen my hammer?

Sunday, August 14, 2005

No wing'in

Ah, it's all coming to me now. A comic without direction.
-Number Two

:::Note from Director - I am pleased with the effects of gravity on Mr. Two's tie.

This is getting fun, in one month, "we" have created over 30 cells, 2 characters (3 if you count Captain Nobody) and netted over 369 page loads. I was thinking today, about the fact that I have the rest of my life to continue this story, and as I go on the story goes on. So, if your reading this in the month of August, congrats, you are witnessing the beginning of a revolution. A one celled comic, a blomic, a webcomic, a whatever you want to call it comic. So without further delay, back to the future.
-Mr. Copyright...guy, man.. (uh) person.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Make A Blog

Introducing... Our screenwriter. We like to call him #2. So yeah, this is #2, he is the one Spoaks has been having the previous conversation with. He is also the screenwriter for GenreNation, so if you have any questions just write to numbertwo@GenreNation.com.

So, I missed you all, last week was a horrendous week. I am back, and I will, this week, be making up for all the random wing'in. Thanks

Even more random

Time constraints interfered with my blog constraints, but I will make it up to you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Way to random

Blame it on the rain.
-Milli Vanilli

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Live from Krystals

Listen, as if you couldn't tell, I am in a hurry, the wonderful folks @ Krystals are going to shut me down. So... my post lately seem to drift from that of Spoaks and the presentation. This is intentional, so as not to worry. But... if you look closely, and follow along, they are still part of the grand story.

To touch on the news, Please join me in a moment of silence as we remeber the life of Peter Jennings, News Anchor for U.S. News and World Report. ...

Thank you Peter for presenting the news in a truthful and honest fashion, the world will miss you.

As for everything else... thats history.


Monday, August 08, 2005

For Gavin and Logan

I Love You both with all my heart.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Friends Rule!

Get it, a beer AND a mop.
-Speachless Spoaks.

For more information on the T-Shirt, go here.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Click to Enlarge Comic

Producers Note: Don't you love it when your working on a project and your application freezes up, and you have to start from scratch... again? The artwork is a little rough around the corners, literally. Nontheless, enjoy.


I dad-gum forgot the copyright... again. Make sure you tell the collectors.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

This is what it would look like if I had been created normal

Or @ least halfway normal.

This is more a test for me really.

Yeah yeah yeah

>>>Posted this one due get back on schedule, a horrible (unforcasted)headache would not allow me to post on Monday night.
-Jermit the Frog

* Collectors note: Shirt Spoaks is wearing today says "yeah, yeah, yeah; I'm listening."

A GenreNation Clothes Up

Well, are you?


>>> Listen, don't mind him(or that really bad pun), I know you are listening, so thanks, it means a whole bunch to me. I would like to take this time to thank; Lusagi for putting up with me, and showing me the electronic ropes, and Godsdragon, for pointing @ me and smiling. I would also like to thank my Wife and Kids for giving me the time to publish this. Lastly, but not leastly, I would like to thank you the reader(s). Without you, this blomic would be a tree falling in the woods.

Stay tuned: more fun to come, and we may even see a new character shortly.

May, the month after April and before June.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Smells like Team Spirit

Just a freebie, not part of the story.

Sunday night for Monday

Tah dah!!! Ye-ah.

We rejoin Spoaks, as he pitches to his screenwriter a couple of new ideas for the comic. Wearing his one of a kind Straight Up Pizza Truck shirt that says "kids love pizza!", Spoaks begins instructing his screenwriter like he is an expert in the field of weird, online, blogomics. Maybe he is... Do you know any experts in blogomics?

:::Note from organization department: Due to the unexpectedness of this thing we call life, we have created a off the wall GenreNation blog, its address is http://noitanerneg.blogspot.com in creating this, we have created a home for the outakes, b-sides, and any other random "bizarre" things we might create. Don't go to site yet, because there is only one comic, which happens to be an outtake, from the Hidden Camera bit (now that I told you, you will not have to go, you can just take my word for it.)

:::Note from Jeremy: I thank each and everyone of you for tuning in today, either because I forced you, I found you, or you just plain like me. I am working on a "work" schedule as to make it easier for the 2 or 7 readers that I may have. I post in the middle of the night, after the kids have gone to bed. This way you can read it the following day, hence the Title "Sunday night for Monday" I will shoot for 7 days a week, but in attempt to avoid burnout, will be calling upon friends of the Nation aka "Citizens" to chime in my absence. This should be fun. So, long, for, now.

Goodnight, but to you... Good-day.

-the jerminator