Monday, August 15, 2005

...and Hault!!!

This comic couldn't have come at a more perfect time. With, shingles now falling off the roof, a fence that needs mending, a yard that needs mowed, and a computer that is about to "automatically" shut down in 56 seconds (for the last time.) You, as the reader, may just have to hold on a minute. We apologize in advance for any entertainment hardships this may cause.
WE would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, who, without them, none of this would be possible. First off, we thank the corporation for the laptop, AT&T for the line, Google for the gmail, Inkspace for the tools, Blogger for the space, Lusagi for the time, FormerPromKing for the advertisement, J. for the comments, Cernunnos for the advice, and my family for the patience.
-Resource Management Department
So... now that I let the memebers of the board speak, I shall now speak also.
Off to go save the world, one blade of grass @ a time.
Has anyone seen my...?
-Number Two
Please enterntain yourself with each others comments until I return.
Goodbye for now, but not for long.
-The Jerminator
Has anyone seen my hammer?


@modernmentat said...

It's coming along nicely. I'm back in the swing of things after my siesta en la playa, so I should be making some posts this week. Type at you soon.

Cernunnos said...

Thanks dude.