Tuesday, August 23, 2005

what? what?! what!

:::Note from director.
Due to technical difficulties, vistors from out of town, a new toy, this allready confusing thread of comic has now become practiacally unbearable. But, the show must go on.
To refresh...
...your memories
We met Mr. Number Two, our screenwriter, who immediately jumped into a presentation, much like Spoaks's. Then, Spoaks interrupted saying whoa whoa whoa. Then... his wife Ohma interuppted just to introduce herself, which then popped any dream that I as director was having while trying to begin my empire. Then, I had to publish the back story to get that point across, so "we" came up with a cell of Spoaks sleeping, then a cell of Spoaks @ the nanosecond of awake, which I titled Now (for more reason than one). Then... the one shot of Spoaks with sketchpad. Then... three days later...
That is enough thens to take down a buhdist monestary.
I like how you started and finished this paragraph. Go to my website and check it out.
-Some random guy, not blog spam.


Anonymous said...

Christian Soc's.

@modernmentat said...

What's that anonymous comment about?