Wednesday, January 11, 2006

If we don't know one will

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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! INTRODUCING!! Thomas Thumm, and Peirre Pointdexter, our producer and director, respectively.
-Announcer (in a loud booming voice)
Thank you, thank you, thank y..
-Thomas Thumm (formerly known as the producer)
Stick a sock on it Tommy!
Hey Coral, there is no need for this hostility, we let you have your cameo, can't you just let us have our guest apperance and move on?
Pierre Pointdexter (formerly known as the director)
Oh, go pick a nose Frenchie!
I like it Coral, I mean, this gives our readers a real opportunity to identify with those we work so closely with. Not to mention it will give GenreNation a real reality show type feel. You shouldn't be so, so.., so, ah, so....
Take this outside you Two!
-Captain Nobody


Anonymous said...

So damn cute it hurts.

@modernmentat said...

You've achieved an excellent rendition of each of these fingers, though neither are my favorite one.