Sunday, December 04, 2005

Digitally Dumbfounded

ShTo publish or not to publish? That is the question.
Yes we should publish it! The show must go on! Right? Let me explain. The above 2 images continue to represents the dilemma that I/We are currently faced with. The top image is a PNG file uploaded directly to blogger, some of you may recognize the purple from previous comics. The bottom image represents a file originally uploaded to, (my broken pencil secret has been revealed.) Now some of you may say, "why didn't you use a white background," I say "that is a good idea"... for next time, others, may suggest transferring image to jpeg, which would be a great idea if I wasn't running windows 3.0 (I am not actually using Windows 3.0, just practicing my alliteration techniques)
5 Days left on the Tshirt competition. Comment Today!
-Contest Person
Nothing like good ol' fashioned DEADlines!
-Coral Pinsell (feeling that karma crap slowly creeping up her leg)
There you have it, a behind the scenes look at the day to day struggles that we face here @ GenreNation. Check out for someone who has managed to get past these struggles, and develop a really cool website. Brandy, I am your biggest unknown fan. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get some shut eye, big day tommorow. Tune in to find out how it went. ps Did anyone happen to check out Dane Cook on SNL? Great show, musical guest James Blunt wasn't bad either.
The Google Tutorial has been postponed unitl after Tshirt on Spoaks Back or Front Contest (don't forget to vote) Thanks.

Ok, we have fixed our problem, for now...

-Doublespaced, go figure

1 comment:

Godsdragon said...

Hey are your cartoons improving or is it my vision?...LOL
Nice pictures lately. How's things going?