Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nobody finally arrives

Life is unceratin, and at times, I feel that this WebBlomic, no matter how life like it may be, is uncertain. If I am not uploading comics with every color of the spectrum, I'm sitting in a Krystal parking lot, soaking up all the free WiFi I can, only to be let down after trying to upload a comic three seperate times, why? Why blogger? Why. Why do my fans have to wait an additional day, maybe two, to see the next installment of GenreNation? Why, do I waste my time asking retorical questions only to get an auto reply that tells me I havent't tried hard enough and to try again, and let us know if that dosn't work. I know there are a lot of morons out there, in fact, I am ok with the fact that I maybe/am one of those idiotsavants, who...
What ever are you talking about my good man?
-Captain Nobody
Oh, hey Captain, well, I was trying to upload your arrival comic today, and I just got bummed, I guess, in a way I am bummed out about because I didn't make the The Best Webcomics of 2005. Or maybe I am bummed out, because these illusions of granduier and visons of greatness are all starting to become, well, un-efforted...
Stop right there, Citizen. There is no need for your negativity. You don't need it, I don't need it, and Mr. Number Two. especially dosn't need it. WE, as a team, need to stay positive, pick oursleves up when we don't make some list complied by some people who, have no idea of the life we live, or the quality comics we produce on a daily basis.
But these comics aren't quality...
I told you boy! Now I am going to have to body slam you... positively.
oooh, uhmphhhh, ouch, smile!
Now let me help you up,
Thanks Captain, now on with the show, don't you have a pencil your supposed to be saving?
Up, Up and....
Dont't forget, 3 more days on the choice/chance compitetion! Get your comments in ASAP. I need everyone's participation... seriously, do it. Do it, what are you still reading for, go decide/design.

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I mean it!

Ok, here is a link

Now GO!!!!!!!
-contest guy


Anonymous said...

Your characters are becoming real withen your own mind. There actually beginning to provide you support from their own unique personalities. This is what happens when you start to become a true writter. This is why most writters don't need friends...ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt. They have the perfect ones right in their own heads. And of course, in the GREAT lonesome state of TEJAS. ha cha ha cha ha cha cha cha cha.

clumsy-of-me said...

Your comics are evolving at a terrific pace, don't get so caught up in what you think is wrong with them. Or even worse, what you think other people may think of them. Sit back and smile over your creations. They are a unique piece of you and people really enjoy them. Those 2,000 plus hits weren't all accidents baby! Besides, as anonymous says, who better to be your own best friend but you? Maybe you should go back and look at some of the very first ones and get some perspective luv!