Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Everything is Better

Thanks to J. Brigman for voting c.) Hang in there it would be better for the plot. J. will be entered for a chance to win T-Shirts for Life*. Besides, there is nothing like a good ol' fashion church service to straighten your attitude out.

* T-shirts for Life is a promotional, virtual, electronical game that will be played for the entire first year of this blog. The winner of the prize will be awarded T-shirts for Life, literally. So stay tuned, there will be many ways to enter your name.

** On a completely different note, I have to go now, the chores are calling!

1 comment:

@modernmentat said...

That's a really green shirt. And whatever your choice for favorite baseball team, do not go with the Nationals. They are up against the Braves in their division. What about the Suns? You can follow their play, and then cheer the players on as they advance to the "bigs". Also, you can always say you heard of them first when they're big stars.